Los Angeles Marathon

Los Angeles Marathon 2013 – Race Report Part Five

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I finished the LA Marathon

In the Santa Monica parking structure with the prize, the 2013 Los Angeles Marathon Medal

This is my fifth 2013 Los Angeles Marathon race report post.

The first post is here.

The second post is here.

The third post is here.

The fourth post is here.

I am chronicling my road to the 2013 Los Angeles Marathon finish line with the Los Angeles Roadrunners Run/Walk 5 training group.

Training with the group was over for 2013.


After a week of the nightly 5K training runs which were done very slowly, came some carbo loading.

Scheduling for the marathon race weekend had been prepared weeks in advance.

Oh, did I tell you that Sunday was also the first birthday of my grandson, James Phillip? And, James lives in San Diego?

The birthday party was scheduled at Peter Piper’s pizza for Saturday afternoon. A piece of cake…..

Friday was race bib pick up day and Race Expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Greg and race bibReally “B” race corral = stepping up in the race world?

Nancy met Alice and me – in fact, she beat us there at the entrance. We took some photos, including the obligatory USC vs. UCLA one.

Nancy and GregCan you guess where we went to college?

After the bib pickup we ran into fellow Roadrunners.

We saw Alan Culver at the Roadrunner wristband distribution booth. The wristband allowed entry into the special Roadrunner section of Dodger Stadium.

We ran into Leon, who graciously obtained an extra race shirt for Alice and me. Thanks Leon!

We saw Flavia from Run/Walk 5.

Off we went to buy some race gear and to walk the Expo, including the Roadrunner booth.

The Expo was larger than I remember, but was nothing special until we met up with the actor Michael Sorich at the Roadrunner booth.

Michael SorichMichael Sorich – pizza??

Michael as always is funny!

We talked about how we always run into each other in the bathroom on marathon day. Yeah, it happened again, but I am getting ahead of the story!

We finished up walking the aisles at the Expo, and Alice texted our friend and fellow Roadrunner (but injured) Tara to meet us from lunch.

Lunch was at the French restaurant, Taix, where we have gone each of the last three years. Mary was to meet us there, but she got held up at the dentist for a crown cementation and was feeling a little sick anyway.

Tara on her crutch soon arrived and we enjoyed a meal – I had the French Dip with French Fries = lots of carbs there.

We finished up, hugs all around. Tara asked what I would like around mile 20 (near her home). I said pretzels and she said see you on Sunday.

If you recall, Tara and I were inseparable last year. We trained together, ran the marathon together and finished the 2012 LA Marathon together. She suffered a knee and hip inury during marathon training last year and after many months of physical therapy, recently had knee surgery. I sure hope she is better soon!

Tara and me with medalsTara and me in 2012

Now, the big drive to San Diego and a big drive it was. From downtown Los Angeles to our hotel on Hotel Circle it was 3 and 1/2 hours. Alice and I took driving shifts and stopped in San Juan Capistrano for Starbucks.

In the meantime, I was in touch with my daughter Allison for a Friday night visit with the soon to be birthday boy, my grandson James. We, also made dinner plans.

Grandpa and JamesMy grandson James Phillip at almost one year old. Granpa is happy!

Dinner was late and I had some Coke only, but then the surprise.

My son, Greg, Jr. who lives in Chicago had just arrived at the San Diego airport. I was completely and happily surprised.

All of my children and grandchildren were to be present at the birthday party tomorrow.

Alice and I planned to rest and get some sleep on Friday night and Saturday morning.

Mission accomplished, as we continued to carb load a little.

We checked out of the hotel and drove to the children’s pizza place and James’ first birthday party.

Alice James and Grandpa GregAlice, James and the smiling grandpa

It was wonderful seeing my daughters ( I have three), my son and other grandchild, Abbie.

Greg Abbie and AnnieMy son, granddaughter Abbie and my daughter Annie

Cake was eaten and the party ended around 4 PM.

Now, the long drive back to Thousand Oaks, a hit and run accident a few blocks from our apartment, a few hours of sleep and RACE DAY.


My Daily Twitter Digest for 2013-03-21

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Los Angeles Marathon

Los Angeles Marathon 2013 – Race Report Part Four

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I finished the LA Marathon

In the Santa Monica parking structure with the prize, the 2013 Los Angeles Marathon Medal

This is my fourth 2013 Los Angeles Marathon race report post.

The first post is here.

The second post is here.

The third post is here.

I am chronicling my road to the 2013 Los Angeles Marathon with the Los Angeles Roadrunners Run/Walk 5 training group.

The last training day was upon Run/Walk 5. One week and one day to go before the Los Angeles Marathon on March 17, 2013.

Walt delivered an inspirational last pep talk before we took off on our last 6 mile run. We are tapering now and letting our body accommodate and heal from all of the stress of the previous weeks.

Walts last pep talkThis will be a fun run today because it is picture day – also the mileage is low.

As is tradition, the Pace Leaders step aside and members of the group take their turn leading. We. also stop for photos video along the way.

Off we went…..to California and Ocean Street – the exact finish of the marathon.

Alice and meAlice and I are ready

Cristina and EvangelinaCristina and Evangelina were two of the early guest pace leaders

Here is the video:


Grace and Angela had their turn:


Nora, who had broken her wrist earlier in the season, led the way:

Nora and Magy lead run Walk 5Nora and Magy

We ran to California and Ocean for….

Run Walk 5 2013The official group photo

Here is video of Michelle and Irene who were running the Los Angeles Marathon relay for charity guest pace leading:


I even had a chance to guest lead the group:

Leading Run Walk 5Juliette is to my right

Our last training run would not be complete without Alice leading “The Wave of WEEE” down the Santa Monica Pier.


We returned to Westminister School in Venice and listened to Los Angeles Marathon Race Director Nick Curl deliver final race instructions.

Los Angeles Roadrunners Run/Walk 5 came and ran.

Now, it was time to KICK ASS!

Los Angeles Marathon

Los Angeles Marathon 2013 – Race Report Part Three

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I finished the LA MarathonIn the Santa Monica parking structure with the prize, the 2013 Los Angeles Marathon Medal

This is my second 2013 Los Angeles Marathon race report post.

The first post is here.

The second post is here.

It was the last Saturday in February and the longest run before the 2013 Los Angeles Marathon.

This run with Los Angeles Roadrunners Run/Walk 5 was to be the dress rehearsal for the race which loomed on March 17.

Weather was favorably cool, the body was stuffed with carbohydrates all week and I was ready.

The main question lingered in my mind: would  I be able to stay with and finish with the group? I wasn’t so sure.

The pace at the beginning of the run was quick down the Speedway alley in Venice. This is how it would be on marathon day since the pent up adrenaline and crush of racers would force the group to run more towards a 14 minute per mile pace than the customary 15 pace.

Up the Santa Monica Pier and Georgina Street. The hills were challenging, but I engaged members of the group, including fellow dentist, Flavia,  and put the climb out of my mind.

Down we went on San Vicente and around the golf course where there are more hills and the miles were increasing. It was warming up.

I found myself running with Doug, a man about my age and who was as interesting as his career was varied. We talked about his time in the United States Marines and his tour in Viet Nam. He, at a very young age was a Marine Embassy Guard and was one of the last evacuees from the American Embassy when Vietnam fell to the Communist North.

Walt even engaged the conversation and we had plenty of questions of Doug.

The hills and miles melted away with absorbing conversation.

We had some excitement off of Bundy Drive when our pace leader, Nancy, fell. She tripped on what I term “Heartbreak Hill.” She broke her glasses and bruised her head pretty good, but she continued. Walt relieved her of pace leading for the rest of the day. Nancy wanted to continue!

Back up San Vicente to 26th Street.

The group usually would run the grass median strip down the center of the street. But, a group of us, wanted to have nothing to do with the roots and uneven surface. No twisted ankles for us.

Janet and I lead the group down San Vicente towards Ocean Avenue on the sidewalk. We used a 1:1 run/walk ratio since the others would be going slower on the grass.

I was determined to not “bonk” out by running too fast down back to the Flag Poles in Venice. Janet held me back and we were safely reunited with the group near the water station on Ocean and the totem pole area.

The remaining four miles or so went uneventful and I finished with the group.

It was a good day!

Two more Saturday sessions and the taper before the race.

We returned to Dodger Stadium the next week for an additional session of the Elysian Park hills. I remembered the Stadium to the Sea marathon course hills and they are relentless.

More hill training is a good thing.

Dodger Stadium and the LA Marathon MedalLos Angeles Marathon Race Director Nick Curl shows off the 2013 marathon medal at Dodger Stadium

 Before beginning the hills, Nick Curl, Los Angeles Marathon Race Director showed off the 2013 medal. We also ran over to the Loge section (third base side) where we would all hang out prior to the beginning of the marathon – a special perk for the Roadrunners. We would have our own place to sit and relax, plus our own pre-race bathrooms = very important.Mary and the medalPace Leader Mary looks at the medal as Walt looks on approvingly

After seeing the entrance to our private Dodger Stadium area and dodging the massive amounts of construction happening at the stadium we took off.

Here we go:


And…. we finish up:


I was breathing hard at the finish, but considering that last year I could not run one mile of hills with the group, I was happy.

And, we went to Walt’s studio for brunch! Bagels….

At Walts studio

Next Saturday was the last training session = a tapering day of only six miles. But…. most important = picture day!


My Daily Twitter Digest for 2013-03-20

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